Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The College Mainstay: Busch Light

I feel as though I am cheapening this blog by having my first post about Busch Light. However, it would be doing a disservice to this beverage to ignore its role in my life to this point. There is something about Busch Light that meshes perfectly with ping pong balls, recycled pop music and red plastic cups. Yes this takes me back to my college days (albeit this was only a month or so ago). Whether out of a keg or can, there is something about Busch Light that just seems colder and crisper then the other budget beers. This cold feeling is intensified by the bite of large carbon dioxide bubbles on the tongue, a direct contrast to the flat tasting, almost oily textured rival, Keystone Light. This exceptional drink-ability made it a breeze to throw back in copious amounts in whatever manner you see fit, a characteristic of utmost importance in the college environment. In other roles, however, Busch light is lacking when compared to mainstream and premium counterparts. While its refreshing drink-ability is a plus, its taste is lacking in complexity and boldness. While Busch Light would likely not earn a place amongst my most favorite beers, it will always hold a special place in my heart (and my stomach).

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